I'm Rituraj, a Developer @Nagarro. founder of Maddyzone. JavaScript, Angular, Node.

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Responsive FontSize jQuery Plugin

Responsive FontSize jQuery Plugin is designed to dynamically change font sizes according to screen / browser width. It is also Intended to be used with responsive or adaptive CSS layouts.


  • Lightweight

  • Responsive

  • Dynamic


[button type=”bd_button btn_large” url=”https://github.com/NathanRutzky/jQuery.fontFlex” target=”on” button_color_fon=”#3fc2da” button_text_color=”#ffffff” ]Website[/button] [button type=”bd_button btn_large” url=”http://code.nath.co/fontFlex” target=”on” button_color_fon=”#ff8000” button_text_color=”#ffffff” ]Demo[/button]

Rituraj Ratan

I'm Rituraj, a Developer @Nagarro. Founder of Maddyzone .