Multiple window in vim
Many time when we do our development work then we need to work on more than 1 files at same time, then for this in Vim there is very great feature Multiple window
IN this post here i am describing that how to open close multiple window in vim and many more stuff.
This command will not run in insert and visual mode.It will work in command mode. for command mode press ESC key then write below
Let’s see
S.N. | Command | Work |
1 | :e filename | edit another file |
2 | :split | split window horizental |
3 | :split filename | split window horizental and load another file |
4 | ctrl-w up arrow | move cursor up a window |
5 | ctrl-w ctrl-w | move cursor to another window (cycle) |
6 | ctrl-w ctrl-w 2 | move cursor to 2(second) window |
7 | ctrl-w_ | maximize current window |
8 | ctrl-w= | make all equal size |
9 | 10 ctrl-w+ | increase window size by 10 lines |
10 | :vsplit file | vertical split |
11 | :sview file | same as split, but readonly |
12 | :hide | close current window |
13 | :only | keep only this window open |
14 | :ls | show current buffers |
15 | :b 1 | open buffer #1 in this window |
16 | :q | close current window |
17 | :qa | close all window |
18 | :!q | close current window without save file |
19 | :!qa | close all window without save |
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