Stylish Notification jQuery Plugin
Stylish Notification jQuery Plugin is designed for showcasing some styles.CSS animations are used for the effects.In this some simple ideas and effects used for unobtrusive website notifications. [star_list] Little script Animation...
Enable and disable code indentation in vim
In vim by default code indentation are not enable so to enable the code indentation in vim we need to set it manually also we can disable.Here i am describe...
Responsive FontSize jQuery Plugin
Responsive FontSize jQuery Plugin is designed to dynamically change font sizes according to screen / browser width. It is also Intended to be used with responsive or adaptive CSS layouts....
Enable and disable syntax highlighting in vim
In vim by default syntax highlight are not enable so to enable the syntax highlight in vim we need to set it manually also we can disable.Here i am describe...
Android Learning ( Lecture -1 )
Introduction to Android When I heard the name Android , first question arise in my mind as normally comes in every human mind whenever they hear something new,that time i...
Show and hide line number in vim
In vim by default line number are not shown so to show the line number in vim we need to set it manually also we can unset.Here i am describe...
How to Implement Add/Edit/Delete/View with PHP using Angular JS (Part-2)
In our previous Post we have learn How to use CRUD(create read update delete) in angular With PHP ? Now in this post we will learn How to do Paging...
DistractionFree Form Interface
DistractionFree Form Interface is a jQuery Plugin designed to allow distraction-free form i.e. filled with some fancy animations when moving between form fields. [star_list] Allow distraction-free form Fancy animations Fullscreen...
Prevent default behaviour of anchor tag by jQuery and JavaScript
In anchor tag when we assign href attribute with URL then on click on that it will redirect to that URL. In this post we will know that how to override default...
Dropdown Side Menus jQuery Plugin
Dropdown Side Menus jQuery Plugin designed to build dropdown side menus rapidly.It is very easy to use. [button type=”bd_button btn_large” url=”” target=”on” button_color_fon=”#3fc2da” button_text_color=”#ffffff” ]Website[/button] [button type=”bd_button btn_large” url=”” target=”on” button_color_fon=”#ff8000”...